- What happened 2 this product???
- where do iget driver
- Need someone can inject into d900i eeprom my imei (i have 000000000000000)
- Where to buy Ultimate Sam?
- unlock samsung s8300 help please
- update
- account activation
- I dont know why admin still keep ultimate sam as live product
- smart sam website
- ultimate sam - no server
- Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year 2010
- Nobody should trust this Team
- Confirmation - ultimate sam is dead
- FOR SALE Ultimate Sam - Going Cheap
- Dead.dead.dead.........
- To spitfire
- bought a z3 samsung box now..
- any confirm is server working yes or no ?
- Ultimate sam is DEAD !
- problem with A707 unlocking.........
- Still no server whats going on!!!
- Worst Unlocking tool ever
- 09 26am england server working at last and
- T639 unlocking
- cannot con to server
- yes all these model unlok don
- is e2100b suported ultimat sam
- is server down please?
- samsung s3650 supported yet?
- Need t469 unlocking
- Samsung S8300 unlock trouble
- Ultimate sam team Can`t help?
- problem unlocking s8300 with ultimate sam
- unlock failed s8300
- help needed s8300 modem
- How to connect Smart Sam to Pc
- Unlock D900E
- If anyone think its dead clip or project dont use it
- investment in my life~!
- UUhhhh I was thinking that it was a dead project lol
- Ultimate-sam v4.21 released!!
- ** ultimate sam permanently dead **
- Its disappointing we paid for this clip then why cant update latest version?
- ultimaclip is dead?
- Samsung e2210b
- Is there any chances to remove the phone lock code from S5233a..
- L770 unlock server down again!!!!
- cant unlock s5600
- When S5230 unlock ?? ?? ??
- ***unlock new f480 with ultimat sam***
- where is the support team?
- How to update clip?
- U900v flashing problem .....need help.
- wakeup plz
- Server closed or error ??
- ZV60 not unlock
- anyone else having the same problem
- c3050 pb to unlock
- can someone help me out with unlocking the j610
- can't flash samsung A707 Help!!!!!!!!!!!!
- I900 Support!!!!!!!!!!!
- Help me
- when are coming some new great updatess !!!??
- ultimate samsung is dead
- Dual cable help.
- ****UNLOCKING OF latest S8300 with ID6 firmware Using Original USB CABLE |HOW TO|****
- Update server Offline ???
- Ultimate-sam v2.18 realeased. S3500/C3050/C3010 without PATCH E250i J700i new C260
- u600g
- Team what about new update
- Samsung f406
- S8300 help please :)
- F480 flashing successfullllllllll in 5 minutes 36 sec,,,
- Z240 reboots at unlocking
- j700_t can i unlok it with smart sam
- ultimate-sam box activation
- Samsung S8300v Debrand & Unlock OK *****
- probleme with f480v not unlock
- update problem - please help
- U700 unlocked successfully in 43 seconds..
- Sam E1120 when possible to ulock ?
- here is F490 phone freeze solution
- S7330 unlock done
- Is J400 supported?
- T739 samsung support needed.............
- ***Samsung Tocco Ultra s8300 Unlock OK ***
- S3500
- Problem with i560
- F490 probleme after flash
- U900 full flash success in 4 minutes, 58 seconds
- pinout E210 ultimate-sam??
- U700v unlocked successfully
- M110 and telfort C260 cant unlock them
- help help helppppppppppppppppppp
- when softbank phone release ?
- Can we unlock i710 with Ultimate SAM ?
- C260BAXHL2_IA1 (netherlands Telfort) not supported
- samsung zv60 not supported
- How can i flash F480?
- A707 AT&T unlock failed
- good for unlock
- Installing Qualcommdrivers?????!!!!!!
- F480 Freeze unlock Support?
- Ultimate-Sam update server maintenance completed and is running again
- Unfreeze the SGH-B130
- First in the world unlock and imeirepair F406 by Ultimate-sam
- why problem in update
- update problem
- Ultimate sam setup
- Problem Unlocking U800 - Please Help
- toca wont unlock
- New Here and perhaps new updates
- repair Imei U600
- Unlock m3200
- samsung i200??
- Unlock E1110 Not Possible Or Special Way To Unlock
- connection with clip lost ????
- is ultimate sam dead ??
- Error on F480 that is not patched.
- u800 cannot unlock
- my clip doesn't work
- Pinout E900 cable?
- f480 unlocked but still locked
- L810V/L810 FLASH FILE NEEDED urgently
- f480 security code
- download login problem
- Smart-Sam Support?
- All the box made update but not Ultimate Sam
- T-mobile SAMSUNG T429 not unlocked :(
- samsung u900v flash file
- Update dongle v2.14
- u600 flashing??? can you ?
- ****** p520
- cant unlock any m150..
- x680v will not unlock by clip
- MERRY XMAS ... new supported update
- pls help me with this
- i900 Omnia
- Samsung f490 Freeze
- z170 freeze on screen
- cant get msl data?
- How to flash i900 Omnia with Ultimate-Sam?
- Ultimate-sam is back! ultimate-sam clip v2.17 released!
- Samsung A707 At&t network cannot unlock ???
- connection with clip lost
- z240 unlock failllllllllllllllllllllllllll
- what about new models?
- L770
- P910 unlock?
- Trade in
- connection with clip lost !!!!
- could not connect to Server
- f480 tocco flashed with flash file for f480 and f480v
- I cant unlock B310 ???????
- g600 cable
- How to unlock Samsung X680 by Ultimate-SAM?
- support site down
- Ultimate-sam v4.20 released, Fixed major bugs on Unlocking/unfreezing
- when will the i900 be supported
- L770 does it unlock
- why doesn't working?
- Another phone cant unlock - Samsung L760
- Something problem with the server?
- f480 unlock problem
- can't get on support
- problem in unlocking new phones
- problem with clip
- Cant unlock Z170
- new update file corrupted
- A707 unlock problem
- Unlock c160 how to do
- help updating ultimate sam
- Any new update?
- U900 keeps turning on and off after flashing
- X461 cannot be unlocked
- D407 shows CHARGING
- samsung jack I616 unlock help
- what cables should come with ult sam clip?
- what about Softbank phones support?
- i450 security code
- m110 help
- so quiet!
- clip update problem
- z150 phone freeze
- f480 good flashing
- Samsung L700 unlock?
- Server down?
- l810v unlock
- zv40 freeze mode
- problem unlocking f480V
- Problem update Clip
- How to enter Qualcomm mode for some models. Read here please
- Any unlocking mathod 709sc ???
- my problem
- phone wont go into qualcomm mode
- register ultimate clip
- firmware 2.13...
- firmware for z500v